OwnerMatthew Toussain
LocationSan Antonio, Texas United States map
Web/EmailWebPage email image
Vehicle1976 Ford Mustang II
MotorNetgain Warp9 Series Wound DC
Drivetrain2.3L v4
Automatic Tranny
ControllerEvnetics Soliton1
Batteries24 Everstart 29DC, 12.00 Volt, Lead-Acid, Flooded
System Voltage144 Volts
DC/DC Converter PowerMax
12V 35A
Range50 Miles (80 Kilometers)
Watt Hours/Mile350 Wh/Mile
Conversion TimeStarted September 2014
Intend to meet the road within 6 months (March
Conversion CostDonor - $1200
Netgain Warp9 - $1290
Adaptor Plate/Coupler - $884.23
DC-DC Converter - $97
Evnetics Pot Box - $159
1/0 AWG Wire - $110
Soliton 1 Controller - $2875
Everstart Batteries x24 - $2736
Step by step build details can be found at:

code by jerry