OwnerJuan Garcia
LocationCholuteca, Choluteca Honduras map
Email email image
Vehicle1974 Toyota Corolla
MotorNetgain Impulse 9
Drivetrain5-speed gear box W58
Chevy El Camino rear differential
ControllerManzanita Micro 1x Z2K-HV
Batteries0.00 Volt, Lithium-Polymer
ThunderStruck battery cases with LIPO seductions cells
340HP in the batteries
System Voltage222 Volts
ChargerElcon PFC2500
Top Speed125 MPH (201 KPH)
AccelerationVery good!!
Range1 Miles ( 1 Kilometers)
Conversion Timeone year and 6 months
Conversion Costto see an ICE in the mirror...priceless

code by jerry