OwnerPaul Dove
LocationToney, Alabama United States map
Vehicle1986 Toyota Celica GT
MotorNetgain WarP 9 Series Wound DC
ControllerCurtis 1231C
144 Volt 500 Amp
Batteries44 Bestgo 100Ah, 3.34 Volt, Lithium Iron Phosphate

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System Voltage144 Volts
ChargerElcon TCCH-144-08
240V 18A or 120V 9A
it will do both

DC/DC Converter PM3 - 55

Top Speed80 MPH (128 KPH)
I have had it up to 80 MPH and it still had some power but I don't plan on trying to go faster.
AccelerationGood acceleration but not impressive.
Range42 Miles (67 Kilometers)
Depending on terrain.

I have driven it 42 miles and the pack was 2.5 volts per cell. Empty for all practical purposes although the vehicle was still moving with plenty of power.
Watt Hours/Mile310 Wh/Mile
Not sure what Whr speed means.

Pack voltage is 147 fully charged
with 100 Ah cells
Pack is 14,700 Watt/hrs
I use approximately 90% 13,230 Watt/hrs
13,230 Watt/hrs divided by 310 Whr/mile
yields 42.68 miles

This has proved correct in my driving experiences.

Watt hour per mile was calculated based on weight 3100 lbs divide by 10 gets 310 whr/mile
This rule of thumb proved correct. learned this on EVTV.me from Jack Richard.
Seating Capacitytwo for now although I could put the back seat back in if I so desired
Curb Weight2,900 Pounds (1,318 Kilograms)
with me in the vehicle that's 3100 lbs.
Conversion Timeabout 8 months but there wer about 6 months before that while I researched it and bought a few parts.
Conversion CostNot sure somewhere between $12,000 and $16,000 I need to tally everything. I bought some things I didn't use.

code by jerry